Flow Simulation based on Bivariate Splines

Fluid Flow Simulations We use bivariate splines to solve 2D steady-state Navier-Stokes equations. The main features of our methods are (1) the stream function formulation that is used so that the divergent free condition is satisfied exactly; (2) splines of higher degree and more smoothness are used so that the vorticity is a continuous function; (3) the solutions with higher Reynolds numbers can be computed easily (see examples below); (4) Navier-Stokes equations over arbitrary polygonal domains can be solved; (5) our methods are very efficient and effective. All the following numerical experiments were performed on a Sun workstation with 172 Mhz and a PC laptop with 400 Mhz. I did not use any supercomputers nor any parallel processes.

Cavity Driven Flow The following are standard cavity driven flows with various Reynolds numbers: 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000.

The vorticity of the cavity driven flows can be found here. 1, 100, 1000.

Flows on a "W" shaped Channel

The following flow image is of flow stream lines over a "W" shaped channel.

Flows on FEM-shape Channel

THe following are flow streamlines over an FEM-shape Channel

Backward Facing Step Flows

The backward facing step flows with various Reynold numbers are given below.

Flows Pass an Inclined Plate

The following is the water flow around an inclined plate.

Wind Flows Past a House

The Following is the wind flow around a house.

Flows Past a Rectangular Box

The following is the water flow pass a rectangular box.

Flows around Circular Obstacle

The following are flows are circular obstacle with various Reynold numbers.

I also used bivariate splines to simulate the air flows around two cars. See more fluid flow simulations in a paper by Lai and Wenston in 2004.