Personal Information
I was born and raised in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. In my opinion, Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in China.
I received my Bachelor's
Degree at Hangzhou University which is now a part of Zhejiang University.
In 1984, I went to Texas A&M University for my graduate studies and began my life in United States of America. After obtaining my Ph.D. in 1989, I continued on to the University of Utah for three years of postdoctoral training.
Since 1992, I have been working at University of Georgia. I was promoted to
a full professor in 2000 and have taught a dozen of Ph.D. students. While teaching both undergraduate and graduate level classes at UGA, I have visited many places in the U.S. and several places around the world to present talks, attend professional conferences, and collaborate on research projects, but I always take the opportunity to go back to my hometown; every year for the last 15 years, I have visited Hangzhou and presented talks at Zhejiang University every year.
My wife and I both work at UGA, and have raised two great kids, Ruby and Michael, both of whom are in college, one in Harvard University and one in Princeton University. Both of them graduated from their universities and one is at Stanford University for her Ph.D. study and one is at Google for his programming excitements.