Data Fitting and Surface Design
Example 1: I got a data set of bunny from Prof. Wu, Meng, Hefei, China. Trivariate splines are used to find a surface which interpolates the data. The first two are based on C2 splines and the next two are based on C1 splines.
Example 2: I got a set of scattered data from Dr. Bree Ettinger of Emory University. Trivariate splines are used to generate fitting surface.
The interpolatory spline gives surface shown below. One can see that it fits the data very well.
Example 3: I got a data set of mug from Erik Perkerson.
Example 4: I got a set of scattered data of human hand.
Example 5: I got a set of data for a pipe with four openings and another set of data for 6 openings. I used trivariate splines to find a smooth surface of these pipers.