In this page, we show our numerical experimental results based on our sparse solution techniques for image/movie denoising. Our computation consists of 5 steps: (1) find a tight-wavelet frame representation of a noised image/movie; (2) note that the difference of the noised movie and denoised movie can be represented by sparse solution; (3) Construct a dictionary using hornlets (based on polynomial/spline functions); (4) apply a greedy algorithm to find the spase solution; and (5) add the sparse solution to the denoised movie/image to get a updated denoised image/movie.
Example 1. Image Denoising: We first show a noised image and difference of the noised image and denoised image based on tight wavelet framelets. One can see that there is a lot of structures about the true image (edges or skeleton). This difference should be represented by an appropriate dictionary with a sparse solution.