SEAM 2015 - The 31st Southeast Analysis Meeting

Sunday March 8th

Registration and Refreshments (served in Boyd 308)

Lecture Room 1 (Boyd 328)
Opening Remarks
9:00-10:00 Ciprian Demeter (Indiana)
The discrete restriction phenomenon
Refreshments (served in Boyd 308)
Marianna Csornyei  (Chicago)
Tangents of sets and differentiability of functions

Lecture Room 1 Lecture Room 2 (Boyd 304)
11:45-12:05 Tim Ferguson (Alabama)
Extremal Problems in Bergman Spaces
and an Extension of Ryabykh's
Hardy Space
Regularity Theorem
Cheng Chu (Washington University)
Asymptotic Bohr Radius for Polynomials
12:10-12:30 Joel Rosenfeld (Florida)
A look at the Polylogarithmic Hardy Space
Trevor Richards (Washington and Lee)
Conformal equivalence of functions and the fingerprint of a shape


Lecture Room 1 Lecture Room 2
2:30-2:50 Joshua Isralowitz (Albany)
Matrix weighted Poincare and Sobolev inequalities
Scott Atkinson (Virginia)
Convex Sets Associated to C*-Algebras
2:55-3:15 Kazuo Yamazaki (Washington State) 
Logarithmically extended global regularity result
of Lans-alpha MHD system in two
Angshuman Bhattacharya (UGA)
Relative weak injectivity of operator systems
Short Break (Refreshments in Boyd 308)
Phi Le (Missouri-Columbia)
Carleson measure estimate and the Dirichlet problem for degenerate elliptic equations
Vasile Lauric (Florida A&M)
A Fuglede-Putnam theorem for almost normal operators S with finite q_2(S) modulo Hilbert-Schmidt class
Kabe Moen (Alabama)
Regularity results for weak solutions of elliptic PDE below the natural exponent
Benjamin Russo (Florida)
The Equivalence of Lifting and Factorization for Tuples of 3-Isometries

4:30-5:30 Joshua Zahl (MIT)
An improved bound on the Hausdorff dimension of Kakeya sets in R^3