Text: Sheldon Ross, A First Course in Probability, 9th
edition. Pearson, 2014.
Other sources are:
There will be three midterm exams
(15% each), a final exam (35%), occasional pop quizzes (10%), and
weekly homework assignments (10%). Homework will be collected
every Friday. Graduate students must do at least one theoretical
problem on each assignment.
I am aware of various sources of solutions for problems in the
text. You are only cheating yourself if you pass off someone
else's work as your own. The pop quizzes and homework problems not
taken from the text are intended to help keep you honest.
Although I encourage you to work on homework with a few other
students, you must write up your assignments by
yourself. You must comply with UGA's Academic
Honesty Policy; see in particular items 3, 4, 5, and 6. All
students are responsible for maintaining the highest standards of
honesty and integrity in every phase of their academic careers.
The penalties for academic dishonesty are severe; note that "lack
of knowledge of the provisions of this policy is not an acceptable
response to an allegation of academic dishonesty."
Final exam: Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 8–11 am.